Best Wall Mount Dust Collection Systems 2023

October 4, 2023

Reduce the dust produced during woodworking projects with wall-mount dust collecting systems.

Dust collection is a must for any workshop. Even if you don’t work as often as other woodworkers in your workshop, dust still happens. It can come from your projects, outside, and even dead skin cells. 

When dust is left to scatter, your workshop can end up looking messy. It can even get into your eyes and end up in an injury! 

Dust collection systems are great, but they can get bulky and take up a lot of space. There’s only one dust collector that is space-saving and does its job efficiently: wall-mounted dust collectors!

Wall-mounted dust collectors are a great way to get dust collection in a shop or add to the dust collection system you already have. They don’t take up any valuable floor space, and they’re pretty affordable! 

To get more in-depth about wall mount dust collectors, read our article below. You’ll have everything you need to know! 

Small-Sized Wall-Mounted Dust Collectors 

Small wall-mounted dust collectors are perfect for small workshops. What you need is something that saves space and does its job well! Small, wall-mounted units are convenient and won’t get in the way of your tools. Here’s our recommendation:

1) Rockler Dust Right Wall-Mount Dust Collector, 650 CFM

Key Features: With a ten-foot section hose; Collects everything from dust to planer and jointer shavings; Cheap and affordable for many woodworkers; Double-purpose filter and collection bag; With a 30-micron replacement bag.

You can have everything you need with this wall-mounted unit despite its small size! The ten-foot hose collects absolutely everything, so you won’t need to buy a longer hose. It’s very cost-efficient and won’t drain your wallet.

While it’s great that the filter bag doubles as a collection bag, you can experience some consequences. The dust can easily escape and scatter through the air – and back into your workshop! 

To remedy this consequence, you can replace the filter and collection bag with a 5-micron one. Control the dust better!

Medium-Sized Wall-Mounted Dust Collectors

Have you got more space than usual? It’s time to fit a medium size wall-mounted dust collector into that workshop. Use your power tools with this wall-mounted dust collector and you’ve got yourself a cleaner place! Here’s our recommendation:

2) Steel City Dust Collector 65110

Key Features: 1 horsepower and 700 CFM; Works well with hoses up to fifteen feet; Contains a washable, 1-micron bag; Only has a single inlet.

Everything this dust collection system has is great for small shops and power tools! It’s powerful enough to clean your entire space. Expect chips and dust to be gone in minutes – and have the entire collection process organized, too. The disposable bags separate the chips far from the dust, so you have the entire process easier for you! No emptying and cleaning is needed. 

Hoses up to fifteen feet can and will work well with this system. However, it still has limitations! You probably can’t do more than one tool at a time, and you’ll only have a single inlet available. 

One of the best things, however, is that Steel City comes with a 1-micron filter bag. Nothing escapes! You have the highest quality possible. 

Large-Sized Wall-Mounted Dust Collectors 

Okay, you’ve got a larger workshop than usual. With multiple tools and projects, a larger dust collector is a must. Our one product recommendation:

3) Jet DC-1100VX-CK 1.5-HP Dust Collector, 2-Micron Canister Kit

Key Features: 1 and ½ HP and 1100 – 1200 CFM; Powerful collection power; Pleated filter cartridge for improved filtration.

A larger shop simply means more dust. And with dust comes a whole range of health and safety issues for you and your family! 

Thankfully, large wall-mounted dust collectors aren’t hard to find. You have the most flexibility and efficiency, too! You can go as large as you like and it won’t be a waste.

Factors To Consider When Buying a Dust Collector

Listen, our recommendations above are pretty great. But it doesn’t take away the fact that there are a lot of options out there. We promised to keep you well-informed, and we’re here to deliver on that promise! 

How Much Power You Need?

It’s the ever-running debate of efficiency VS horsepower. If you’ve got a way with numbers, you can calculate how much power you would need for your projects. But in the name of saving time, we have another way you can go about this.

Weigh in your own experience. What kind of projects do you see yourself potentially doing? What kind of projects do you already do? The higher the probability of those projects, the more you should consider what kind of power is suitable for them. 

Choosing your dust collector is especially crucial if you’re a professional woodworker. You want something up to par with the rest of your tools – and your labor, too! You want something that makes your workflow efficient. 

It’s also important to not overdo it! Consider your budget, space, and the real numbers of what you will do in your workshop. 

Why Set Up A Wall-Mounted Dust Collection System?

There’s one reason: it’s for your health and safety. Aside from dust getting into your eye, you also have to consider having to inhale dust! It’ll irritate your lungs and cause illnesses. 

Your health should be your number one priority! It’s priceless – and getting all those cures is expensive. 

How To Choose Wall-Mounted Dust Collection Systems

When getting a wall-mounted dust collection system, you have to consider two things first and foremost: size and power. 

A dust collection system can be efficient, but it’s useless if you can’t fit it in your small shop! You have to make way for your projects and tools, too. 

However, if you’ve got a large workshop, then by all means – use a large dust collector. You want to capture all those chips and dust, after all. 

Aside from size, you have to consider power. You have to weigh two things: the horsepower (HP) and CFM (cubic feet per minute) of airflow that it can generate. Now, don’t make the mistake of equating power to size. All sizes of dust collection systems can have various levels of power. You’re free to look into all your options! 

How To Install A Wall-Mounted Dust Collection System

Yup, we’ve got the steps for your dust collection system installation right here, too. Follow the easy steps to getting it all set up below: 

What You May Need:

  • Dust collector 
  • Canister
  • Studs 
  • Measuring tape 
  • Pencil 
  • Drill
  • Drill bit 
  • Cleats (2×4, 36”)
  • Forstner bit
  • Lag bolts 
  • Washers 
  • Vibration dampening sheets
  • Screwdriver 

For the Layout: 

  • Shop and toolset
  • Spring clamps

For the Canister Filter: 

  • Foam tape 
  • Flange 
  • Clamp

For the Hoses and Fittings: 

  • Y inlet
  • Blast gates 
  • Hose clamps 
  • Docking port kit 

The Step-by-Step Guide to Installing the Dust Collector

Step 1: Prepare The Tools and Where You’re Going to Put Them

Nothing happens if you don’t have the pieces first! Gather all the tools, pieces, and supplies. Check if anything comes with instructions. It might help you out more later! 

Now, decide where the dust collector goes. Consider the following: 

  • The nearness of an outlet
  • Where you’ll be working
  • Where the rest of your tolls will go 

Those three considerations can make your decision faster and more efficient. 

Step 2: Prepare the Mount

Now, get the 2×4 cleats and mark the center point of the studs. Mark the location, go at least 12 inches down and remember where the center goes. You’re going to drill pilot holes into these studs!

Still, got those 2×4 cleats? Cut them up to 36” long, mark the center, and then measure 8 to 6 inches in each direction. You’ll be mounting the dust collector system here. 

Drill the necessary holes. The 1” Forstner bit will support the countersunk holes as you drill larger stud pilot holes. 

Step 3: Let’s Mount!

Use lags and washers to attach the cleats to the wall! Be careful. You have the pilot holes there as a mounting guide.

Step 4: Add Vibration Dampening Shims

After mounting, check if the lag bolts are tight against the wall. Drive them in and leave out an inch. Now, add anti-vibration shims to absorb motion and vibration problems. 

Hang the dust collector and connect the lag bolts. Congratulations, you’ve successfully mounted the dust collector! 

Step 5: Make the Dust Collection Layout 

Now, it’s time to add the ducting. Don’t worry – it’s easy enough to do! With our guide, it can be simple. 

Planning and preparation, however, are a must. You have to consider how you already layout the entire system and how long the duct runs must be. Use spring clamps! This way, the floor sweep, and bench nozzle can stay out of your way – especially when not in use. 

The Step-by-Step Guide to Installing the Canister Filter 

  1. Use Foam Tape: We start off simple. Just wrap the foam tape around the outlet port to begin the canister filter installation. 
  2. Align the Flange: Use bolts to attach the flange. Line it up to the holes of the canister filter. 
  3. Attach Supplies: Attach bolts and tighten immediately! Look at the top of the canister filter. This is where you can put the agitator arm, where it must rotate in all directions. 
  4. Clamp It Tight: Use a strap clamp to keep everything in place! Get some foam tape and put it on the bottom of the canister. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing the Hoses and Fittings

Step 1: Secure the Y-inlet and Blast Gates 

The Y-inlet should go into the dust collector. For other inlets, you must secure the blast gates. 

Attach the Y inlet to the dust collector. After all the blast gates are secured, you can use the hose clamps to put the hoses up! 

Step 2: Install a Docking Port 

Use hose clamps to attach the hoses together. Now, get your docking port kit. It will make everything much easier when you start using the dust collector later on. 

Use a stud to center a backer board onto the wall. On top of this board, you can install the docking port and screws. Below the board, you can attach some hose traps! This way, things can be out of the way as you work. 

Step 3: Attach Tool Ports

Move from tool to tool by attaching tool ports. If you want to increase productivity, you can build mobile bases, too! 

Now, give yourself a pat on the back. All that hard work has paid off! You have everything you need to benefit from the wall-mounted dust collection system. 


A wall-mounted dust collection system can save you from exhaustion and possible health crises. Just make sure you get the size that’s best for your needs! We hope this article helped you out through everything! 

Choose the dust collector and set it up. Enjoy!  

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