March 26, 2022

Many newbies in the use of Epoxy would usually ask me whether they could use a brush when applying the Epoxy. Well, it is natural to ask this question, for the brush is commonly used to apply paint and varnish. Yet, epoxy resin is a different thing, and if you misapply epoxy resin, the outcome of your project might be affected. So, to achieve the best possible finish using Epoxy, it will be best to know how to apply it correctly.
Why Applying Epoxy Using a Brush is Not a Good Idea?
When applying epoxy resins, you can use foam roller brushes, which work best for such a resin. If you use a bristle brush, you might end up with an uneven application. The reason is the bristles weigh down on the resin. Of course, you may use a bristle brush, but the finish will be inconsistent. So, it will be best to use rollers or foam brushes.
Epoxy is known for its glossy finish. But if you end up with an uneven coat, you won’t be achieving that glossy finish. Thus, you must apply epoxy resins using the appropriate tools. If you are confused about whether to use a foam brush or bristle brush, it will be best to consider whether you will achieve a glossy finish using any of these tools.
As mentioned above, foam roller brushes are the tools most recommended for epoxy resin application. The reason is that foam brushes allow you to apply Epoxy evenly and achieve a glossy finish. You can also use a squeegee to apply epoxy resin.
Besides, you can complement your foam roller with the use of squeegee for the best results. In this way, you can enhance further the appearance of the finish. Moreover, you can make a smooth finish while limiting the formation of bubbles.
Nevertheless, if you are adamant about using a bristle brush, you should ensure that you use only a new and fresh brush. It should also be clean. Before you pour Epoxy, you can get a piece of tape and remove any loose debris or fibers from your brush.
Remember that bristle brushes work well in projects that necessitate sanding in-between coats. You can utilize a foam brush for the last coating to ensure a smooth and even finish.
How to Apply Epoxy Resin With Brush
The first thing to do before applying epoxy resin is to gather and prepare your tools and materials. Once you have the tools and materials, you can mix the epoxy concoction and begin pouring the Epoxy onto the middle (center) of your project. From there, you can spread over a thin layer of the resin using the squeegee or foam roller across your project’s surface. You can use the “W” method to spread the epoxy resin. In this way, you can ensure an even spread of Epoxy.
If you need to deal with edges, you might find it challenging to imbue the edges with Epoxy. The reason is that the edge part is prone to dripping. You can use tape to catch the drips. Then, gently spread the epoxy resin over the edges. Make sure likewise that you are wearing your safety gear like gloves and mask when applying the Epoxy.
1) Roll and Tip Method
The roll-and-tip method is the best and most recommended way to coat vertical surfaces using Epoxy. You can do this by applying the Epoxy using your foam roller. Afterward, you can tip by dragging another foam roller across the surface to smoothen the layer of epoxy resin.
2) Alternative Ways to Apply Epoxy Resin
Some woodworkers will usually tell you not to use the bristle brush when applying the Epoxy. They would instead recommend the use of a four-inch plastic putty knife to apply the Epoxy. You can clean the Epoxy off the knife with the use of rubbing alcohol. But make sure you do the cleaning before the Epoxy dries out. Of course, you can brush on the epoxy primer. Just brush the epoxy primer and use the brush on it. You can do this before you seal the seam using a moisture-resistant filler.
If you are going to brush, you should meticulously choose the brush you will use. Use a natural bristle brush when you work with resins. But if you work using epoxy resin, you can use a synthetic bristle brush. You can’t do this if you are using vinyl-ester or polyester resin. The reason is that these resins contain styrene that dissolves the bristles (synthetic). The dissolving of synthetic bristles can contaminate your resin.
Additional Tips on Using Brushes to Apply Epoxy Resin
Aside from the abovementioned steps on how to apply epoxy resin using a brush, you can also employ the following tips that could come in handy when applying epoxy resin:
- If you intend to apply epoxy resin using a brush, you should use a clean new brush. You can remove the debris or loose fibers using tape before you use the brush to apply Epoxy. Moreover, you should use a nap roller or bristle brush to achieve optimum results. But if you need to sand, you can also use a chip brush.
- After mixing the Epoxy well, you can first spread a very thin epoxy layer using a squeegee. Then, using a back roller, go over it again to diminish the bubbles and smoothen the different areas with excessive epoxy resin. Afterward, you can use the brush to finish the edges. As mentioned above, employ the “W” method to achieve a smooth finish.
- As mentioned above, if you’re working with vinyl-ester or polyester resins, you should use natural bristles for synthetic bristles might dissolve and contaminate the resin. You can use natural-bristled brushes when you work with resins.
- You can use acetone to clean resin residues. You can also buy inexpensive brushes for this purpose instead of using acetone because acetone might be more expensive than buying brushes purchased in bulk.
If you’re a beginner in the use of epoxy resin, you might misapply it and end up ruining your project. Such misapplication of epoxy resin might prove costly and time-consuming. So, it will be best to do it right the first time to avoid reworks and frustrations. Moreover, if you can do it right the first time, the better it will be for you.
You can breeze through the application process if you learn from the experts. Get some succinct tips from those who know how to do it right. In this way, you can shorten the learning curve and minimize any misapplication of epoxy resin.
Jason is a 40-year-old woodworker, carpenter and author who have been involved in the woodworking and woodcraft industry with 17 years of experience. He is expertise in technical aspects, woodcraft and furniture building projects.
Hi Jason,
I have a pottery project that went through the bisque firing. In doing so, it came out in two pieces. I glued them together with clear Loctite Power Grab. Unfortunately, there are a couple areas where the surface isn’t smooth.
My intention was to use the epoxy resin just to even the two uneven areas and when dried, paint it with acrylic without the unevenness showing.
I guess my question is, can I use the epoxy on just two areas and not the entire project?
Also, would you be so kind as to provide the directions for using the foam roller brush and squeegee? In this article you mainly discussed brush application.
I know I’m asking a lot, however, I could really use your expertise.
Thank you.