How to Cut Crown Molding with Miter saw

October 14, 2021

Carpenter cutting crown molding with miter saw.

Unless you have experience cutting crown molding, you have to know all of the different cuts available while cutting it with miter saw.

We’ll go over the basics concerning crown molding, such as the typical cuts you’ll need to know about (and ideally have a firm grasp on if you’re an expert).

How Many Cuts Are Necessary to Cut Crown Molding?

Here are the cuts you should be familiar with before trying any crown molding cuts. Before you begin working on your actual stock, I highly suggest practicing on any scrap wood you have around not to waste woods from unsuccessful cuts.

Cut 1: Make a Miter Cut

Who would have thought that the miter saw is so good at this particular cut? A miter cut is a straight cut throughout the surface of the wood that has an angle to it. Cuts that don’t go through at a 90-degree angle are known as miter cuts.

Making miter joints or corners necessitates the use of miter cutters. The crown molding requires a smooth corner, which is why two blocks of timber are cut at a 45-degree angle.

Cut 2: Cut with a Bevel

Bevel cuts are made at any angle other than 90 degrees, and they go all the way through the wood’s thickness. Adjust the blade angle on your miter saw for these cuts since they go to the wood’s very edge.

Cutting through the vertical direction of the wood is preferable for these cuts because it alters the direction of the panel edge whenever the cut is done.

Steps on Cutting Crown Molding Using Miter Saw

Step 1: Find Out How Much Space There Is On The Wall.

Before cutting any crown molding, be sure you have everything measured correctly. It’s challenging to obtain accurate readings by squeezing your measuring tape into a tight spot and winging it.

Instead of starting at one side corner and measuring to the most approximate center of the wall, note the spot where the tape begins. You should measure from the opposite corner to the center mark with the tape measure turned around. To find out how far you’ve traveled, add together all of these measurements. That way, you’ll get more accurate results and a better fit.

Step 2: Determine Whether You Want To Cut An Inside or Outside Corner

The underside of the crown molding will be your longest side when cutting an inside corner. You can start from the lowest part and work your way up to cut a 45-degree slant in the wood. You’ll want to do the opposite for outer corners, with the top edge being the one with the most length. From top to bottom, the 45 ° angle will be angled inward.

Step 3: Molding Positioned Against Miter Saw

Trying to cut your crown molding with a 90-degree angle may seem counterintuitive, but trust me, it’s necessary. The bottom part will be supported on the fence, with the top against the table. To line the top of your molding with the deck, you may either use painter’s tape or a specialized jig that you put on the top of your deck and make a mark on it.

Step 4: Make A 45-Degree Cut In The Molding

Making 45-degree cuts with a miter saw from left to right for an outside wall or the right to the left is easy now that the crown molding is correctly aligned. If you stand up the crown molding at the installation angle before you match it up to make the edges, it’s simpler to see this.

The bevel angle on the molding profile may be cut using a coping saw when utilizing stained wood for the crown molding. This procedure may be tricky, and painted molding generally doesn’t need it.

Steps For Cutting Right, Outside and Left, Inside Corners

Step 1: Put on a dust mask and safety eyewear. If you want to cut a 90-degree angle, look for a preset angle on the saw and use it. You can cut crown molding with the most common compound miter saws because of the built-in angles. You should adjust the miter angle to 31.6 degrees if you don’t have them already. Set the saw’s bevel angle to 33.9 degrees and tilt the blade to the left to complete the cut.

Step 2: Put the completed side of the molding up on the saw table. It’s crucial to align the molding’s top edge with the saw’s fence before cutting it out. Cut an outside corner with the right-hand side of the molding slid to the right of the blade. Cut while holding the mold in one hand.

Step 3: Cut the inner corner by sliding the crown molding to the left side of the blade. Just turn on the power saw and start hacking away!

Steps For Cutting Left, Outside and Right, Inside Corners

Step 1: As you can see, the top edge of the crown molding should be towards your chest, and the lower edge should be positioned against the saw barrier. Face the molding up on the saw table and lay it flat for flat cut on miter saw.

Step 2: Make a clockwise rotation of the saw and adjust the miter angle to 31.6°. If you haven’t previously, tilt the saw left and fix the bevel angle to 33.9 degrees. To cut an outside corner, place the molding on the suitable surface of the lade and slide it over to the right side. Just turn on the power saw and start cutting.

Step 3: Cut the inner corner by sliding the crown molding to the left side of the blade. Start the saw and cut the material.

Suggestions for Better Results

When using the compound miter saw to cut the crown molding, keep these suggestions in mind. What you should know is as follows:

  • Ensure that the bevel angles and miter saw are adjusted following the crown molding specifications. Various crown moldings need different miter saw angles, which you should know.
  • When using the saw, make sure you have on protective eyewear and a dust mask.
  • Make use of earmuffs or earplugs while using a noisy compound miter saw.
  • If you’re not comfortable using the compound miter saw yet, practice on scrap wood first. Practicing is an excellent opportunity for you to put your skills to the test. Before using a machine, be careful to read the user manual.
  • Never leave a compound miter saw near a table’s edges.
  • Make sure you’re always cutting with the correct blade on the saw.
  • You can hire a professional woodcutter if you have a busy schedule. Professional woodcutter are trained on woodworking so you don’t have to worry about almost anything. You just have to supply them what they need.

One Last Thought

Once you’ve measured the angles, the best method to cut crown molding is using a power miter saw. Set the saw to 45 degrees for a typical 90-degree corner, and it will cut at any angle. Both 45-degree left and correct settings are available for the saw.

When cutting crown molding, always keep in mind that the base of the crown molding should be on top, resting on the saw’s fence, while the head of the crown molding will rest against the saw’s table. You’ll be fine as long as you remember that!

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