What is a Scoring Blade?

Setting up and adjusting the scoring blade on table saw.

Quite frankly, you will find the use of scoring blade invaluable if you want to get a clean cut on the bottom side of plywood or any composite material you want to cut. It helps prevent tear-out on the material, allowing you to produce a splinter-free cut. Moreover, the scoring blade comes in front of … Read more

How to Store Circular Saw Properly

Different ideas and ways of storage your circular saw properly.

You may shrug it off as non-important, but one essential aspect of circular saw maintenance is its proper storage. Of course, it is a fact that a circular saw is a power tool characterized by toughness and durability. Nevertheless, it is still susceptible to the effects of external factors like moisture. Thus, you should keep … Read more

Safest Circular Saw 2023

Worker using circular saw carefully.

Do you spend much time figuring out which circular saw is the safest to use? The same thing also occurred to me a couple of years ago when I was just trying to jumpstart my woodworking career. I was also confused then. Nevertheless, when working with any power tools like a circular saw, it will … Read more

What Is A Skill Saw?

Skill saw is a circular saw. Skil Inc invented circular saw initially and been very successful in the marketing campaign for this tool. And most people were straight away just called this type of saw the “Skill Saw“. The same question can be tweaked and asked about saws. What are the differences between Skil saw … Read more