Can a Jigsaw Cut Metal?

using Dewalt jigsaw to cut metal sheet.

The jigsaw is the go-to tool when it comes to cutting varied shapes in different materials. You can utilize it for cutting curves, holes, stencils, and even bevels on wood and plastic. But can it also cut metal? Of course, it can! Yet, you need to choose a powerful and heavy-duty professional jigsaw to perform … Read more

Jigsaw Blade Types

Jigsaw in woodworking.

Aside from choosing the best jigsaw brand and model for your woodworking activities, your proper blade selection will also factor well and make a big difference in your jigsaw’s cut quality and performance. For this reason, you should carefully select your jigsaw blades and make sure that you use the right jigsaw blade when cutting … Read more

Best Jigsaws for Cutting Curves 2023

Using Jigsaw to cut difficult curve live on wood.

It is hard to imagine an expert woodworker cutting curves and circles using a circular saw. This is because any reasonable woodworker will not use the circular saw to cut curves and circles. Instead, an experienced woodworker will use a jigsaw when cutting circles and curves. The jigsaw, of course, is the appropriate tool for … Read more

How Thick of Wood Can a Jigsaw Cut?

Wood thickness that jigsaw can cut through.

Whether you are engaged in flooring, roofing, wall framing, making boxes, and many other woodworking tasks, you will indeed find the jigsaw a convenient tool to use. The jigsaw can cut lumber, metal, plywood, plexiglass, and other types of plastic. It can also cut circles and curves. Moreover, it can easily cut non-standard patterns, which … Read more

Best Low Noise & Quietest Jigsaws

It's better to use lower noise power tool jigsaw for your home diy woodworking projects in apartment or night time.

Using a lower noise jigsaw on your woodworking projects comes in handy when you have to work on your projects in apartments or the area surrounded by residential households. In fact, the jigsaw is one of the quietest and low noise power tools you can ever obtain compared to other tools such as circular saw … Read more

Jigsaw Tool Uses

Unlike other conventional saws such as the traditional ones seeing with many carpenters and woodworkers, the jigsaw has the advantage of being able to cut through many types of materials. This power tool is employed in the cutting of shapes (a popular one is the jigsaw puzzles amongst others), and also in a straight line … Read more